hey, happy new year to all! sorry for not updating this often enough. we have expanded our family recently with the addition of lisa ritter, an exchange student from miltenberg, germany. i also got caught up in facebook for a while. i'll try to be a more regular writer over the rest of the winter.
our meat csa is rockin'! we have 34 members through this winter season. we have had so much interest that we have decided to offer a summer meat csa as well as our vegetable csa. We still have lots of room at this writing, but shares are going fast.
we are planning the gardens...the seed orders are ready to go in. we have planted raspberry bushes and garlic this fall. we are going to expand the gardens some more, but you will have to ask cameron the details.
the election night lard turned out ok. i was waiting for the crispy parts, the cracklin's, to float in the lard, but not all peices floated, so i kept cooking. overdid it a bit, but the flavor is good for stews and soups.
we took our two hogs into the processor last night. they have been butchered and will be cut up wednesday. "big pig" was 299 lbs and "lil pig" was 240. perfect for what we have planned for processing. typically a market pig is 200-250 lbs. big pig is our sausage pig...hams, chops, bacon and the rest bratwurst. lil pig is the same, minus brats, add roasts.
we also took in our next beef yesterday. this "cow" is a 2 1/2 yr old holstein steer, grass fed, organically raised. we are letting this beef hang for 2 weeks instead of one week as we did for our previous beefs this year. i need feedback from shareholders on the taste difference and preference.
more later