Monday, April 20, 2009

2silos Temporary Website


we have had a server crash here at 2silos, so we are using my food blog as a temporary fill in until the new website is up and running. watch fo
r a new look as we head into our 6th summer season here at the farm.

i still have spots left in our summer meat csa. here's a brief overview:

with a pre-season payment, you purchase a "share" of our season's meat harvest. you will receive a once monthly bag or box of our quality locally raised meats and eggs during the course of our six month season. featured meats include: beef, pork, chicken, rabbit and lamb. other meats such as cornish hens, goat, mutton, venison, etc. may be included in your share. each share receives at least one dozen eggs per month. our summer meat csa runs may through october. you will receive approximately one-third premium cuts, one-third utility cuts and one-third ground and stew meats. there is a 10 hour work requirement here at the farm over the course of the season. please send an email if you would like a flyer and faq.

check the map on the right side of the page to lear
n where our products are raised.

our meat csa was recently featured in an article on the union of concerned scientists website. visit them online to read the article about meat csa's under the food and agriculture section.

that's it for now. stay tuned for more from the farm.