Saturday, February 20, 2010

waiting for the pick up

i'm over at eco-tastic in ua waiting for csa pick ups. today is nice outside, spring is trying to do something out there. i bet when the snow melts off, i i will see that crocuses are emerging underneath.

tom's got some great deals over here at eco-tastic. right now he's offering 30% off hand knit sweaters, hats and scarfs. if you haven't been into tom's store here in old arlington, come on down. eco-tastic carries 100% organic cotton and bamboo clothing. my family loves the bamboo socks most of all. they make great gifts at $5 a pair. check them out online at
gps it at 2066 arlington ave.

had some discussion this morning on rabbit. i am going to gather some more rabbit recipes from friends and family and will post them soon.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

new website is here

the new 2silos website is online, so this blog is moving back to it's original intent...a farm girl food blog. please visit our new website for details on your csa shares, pick up times and other current news.

Friday, February 5, 2010

the blizzard of '10?

we are not going anywhere tomorrow...therefore, the csa pick-up scheduled for tomorrow, saturday, feb. 6 has been canceled. we will have csa pick up again on saturday, feb. 20. call the farm if you have any questions.

stay warm, safe and inside this weekend. enjoy the superbowl! go colts!